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Viladelco Leather Industry
20 de dez. de 2022
Viladelco has earned its history and experience, and no one can take it away.
Experiencia e historia son bagajes de Viladelco que nadie nos saca. Nuestra línea de progresión es creciente, y nos enorgullecemos mucho...
Viladelco Leather Industry
16 de nov. de 2022
Leather is a natural and durable product
El cuero es un producto natural y duradero. Una materia prima capaz de combinar belleza, comodidad, practicidad además de ser noble. El...
Viladelco Leather Industry
7 de nov. de 2022
Trust and quality
Viladelco has been in the leather business for more than 18 years. It is well known, not only for its individualized strategic approach,...
Viladelco Leather Industry
27 de out. de 2022
Safety Leather Line
Los cueros de Seguridad de Viladelco, son artículos producidos para ofrecer protección contra los más variados tipos de riesgos a los que...
Viladelco Leather Industry
21 de out. de 2022
Colores - Safety Leather
Por tratarse de un tipo específico de nicho de mercado, generalmente los cueros de seguridad estándares de Viladelco ofrecen los colores...
Viladelco Leather Industry
14 de out. de 2022
A leather with imposing characteristics, thick and with a greater resistance, which can be waterproofed or not. Get in touch to learn...
Viladelco Leather Industry
10 de out. de 2022
Quality Delivery
Each and every process within Viladelco starts from a goal that is defined with the client, then we move on to the strategy on how to...
Viladelco Leather Industry
30 de set. de 2022
Calidad y estrategia andan juntos
Nuestra posición es transparente y auténtica, cuidamos siempre la satisfacción de nuestros clientes. Ser autoridad en el asunto es un...
Viladelco Leather Industry
26 de set. de 2022
It's been 18 years of a solid and ever-growing journey.
Participating in our customers' collections with our know-how, gives us the confidence that our experience and professionalism makes a...
Viladelco Leather Industry
9 de set. de 2022
Tonos terrosos y clásicos, están siempre presentes en la cartela de colores de Viladelco.
Earthy and classic tones are always present in Viladelco's color chart. Do you need to develop a specific tone in Nappa? Here at...
Viladelco Leather Industry
6 de set. de 2022
It's a light, soft, full-grain leather. Because it is a nobler leather, and an intact surface, Nappa leather is the ideal choice to...
Viladelco Leather Industry
31 de ago. de 2022
Pieces tell stories
We, at Viladelco, want to be part of the story of your creation. Each article and details have a personality, traits and marks that bring...
Viladelco Leather Industry
25 de ago. de 2022
El cuero adecuado hace la diferencia
Quien trabaja y maneja el cuero sabe cuán importante es tener la materia prima adecuada para cada tipo de creación. Tenemos una amplia...
Viladelco Leather Industry
24 de ago. de 2022
This is Viladelco.
🎯 Leather, like all living material, has unique characteristics for each article developed. This fascinating universe gives us infinite...
Viladelco Leather Industry
17 de ago. de 2022
▪️ Tonos clásicos están siempre presentes en la paleta de colores de Viladelco. Sin embargo, cuando su producción busca por colores de...
Viladelco Leather Industry
16 de ago. de 2022
Floater - a leather with soft touch characteristics
Floater it is a leather with soft touch characteristics. It can be worked with in many ways, qualifying it as a leather of excellence...
Viladelco Leather Industry
10 de ago. de 2022
Brasil entre los mayores productores y exportadores de cuero
Brazil is becoming more and more key to the world economy and is one of the largest producers and exporters of leather. It is a source of...
Viladelco Leather Industry
8 de ago. de 2022
Sustainability is always part of the agenda
🎯 Con más de 18 años de experiencia en el mercado de cueros, Viladelco es una empresa reconocida no solo por su estrategia de trabajo...
Viladelco Leather Industry
1 de ago. de 2022
We are your link to a world of quality, direct from Brazil.
Brazilian authenticity is a unique and passionate way of looking at the raw material, together with all the necessary expertise; that is...
Viladelco Leather Industry
20 de jul. de 2022
Leather is a World of Infinite Possibilities
Over the years, leather has generally been used to produce shoes and clothes. As we have come to appreciate leather more and more and...
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