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Safety Leather Line

Viladelco Leather Industry

Los cueros de Seguridad de Viladelco, son artículos producidos para ofrecer protección contra los más variados tipos de riesgos a los que los Trabajadores están expuestos.

Utilizado para la producción de botas, coturnos, zapatos o zapatillas de cuero de seguridad Viladelco atiende al mercado externo con distinción, obedeciendo a las normas técnicas solicitados por cada cliente, volviendo el Cuero Viladelco el diferencial que su calzado necesita para la mejor relación B2C.

Entre em contato com Viladelco através do nosso link na Bio.👇


📲 WhatsApp No. +55 51 9 8206 4585


Viladelco safety leathers are articles produced to offer protection against the most varied types of risks to which workers are exposed.

Used for the production of boots, combat boots, shoes or sneakers, Viladelco safety leather serves the foreign market with distinction, complying with the technical standards requested by each customer, making Viladelco Leather the edge that your footwear needs for the best B2C relationship.

Entre em contato com Viladelco através do nosso link na Bio.👇


📲 WhatsApp No. +55 51 9 8206 4585

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Brazilian Leather 

+55 (51) 3593 6788 +55 (51) 98206 4585

Our quality will make your product the best.

Welcome to the Leather enterprise that is dedicated to transforming your product into the very best! Located in the city os Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Our proposal is to create and produce the finished Leather that you need.

Your direct channel for Leather in Brazil: wet bleu, crust vegetal, crust bioleather, finished leather.

Rua Joaquin Nabuco, 1685  |  Novo Hamburgo RS |   CEP93310-002 |   BRAZIL

Copyright  by Viladelco Brazilian Leather Industry

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