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Viladelco Leather Team

Viladelco Leather Industry

As we approach the end of this year, we want to express our sincere gratitude for your continued trust in the Viladelco Leather Industry. This year was full of challenges, but also achievements.

In 2023 we keep improving our products and services, always seeking excellence in every detail. It is with great satisfaction that we provide you with the highest quality leathers and we hope that you found in each article the dedication and passion that we invest in our work.

In this festive atmosphere, we wish you all a Christmas time filled with joy and harmony, among with your loved ones. May the New Year bring with it new opportunities and prosperity, strengthening our partnership.

We thank you for being part of Viladelco. We look forward to serve you with exceptional leathers and quality service in 2024.

May the holidays be bright and may the next year be even more extraordinary for all of us.

Viladelco Leather Team


Estimados clientes,

A medida que nos acercamos al final de este año, queremos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento por vuestra continua confianza en Viladelco Leather Industry. Este año estuvo lleno de desafíos, pero también de logros.

En 2023 seguimos mejorando nuestros productos y servicios, buscando siempre la excelencia en cada detalle. Es un gran placer brindarles pieles de la más alta calidad y esperamos que hayan encontrado en cada artículo la dedicación y pasión que invertimos en nuestro trabajo.

En este ambiente festivo, deseamos a todos una feliz Navidad. Que el Año Nuevo traiga consigo nuevas oportunidades y prosperidad.

Les damos gracias por formar parte de Viladelco. Esperamos seguir sirviéndoles con cueros excepcionales en 2024.

Que tengan felices fiestas y que el año que viene sea aún más extraordinario para todos.

Equipo Viladelco.


📲 WhatsApp No. +55 51 9 8206 4585

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Brazilian Leather 

+55 (51) 3593 6788 +55 (51) 98206 4585

Our quality will make your product the best.

Welcome to the Leather enterprise that is dedicated to transforming your product into the very best! Located in the city os Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Our proposal is to create and produce the finished Leather that you need.

Your direct channel for Leather in Brazil: wet bleu, crust vegetal, crust bioleather, finished leather.

Rua Joaquin Nabuco, 1685  |  Novo Hamburgo RS |   CEP93310-002 |   BRAZIL

Copyright  by Viladelco Brazilian Leather Industry

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